While most of you might think that this is an electronic babysitter, I think its my car GOD!
Ever since my last surgery I have been a little more sensitive to noise. I find I cant think at all or hear myself think when there is to much chatter or noise. I try really hard to tune it out but it feels magnified in my head. So we originally had gotten the kids Leapster 2's (with headphones) to cut some of the chatter that was happening behind my head in the car and then they came out with the new ones. Being the tech junkie that I am I had to get the kids one.
Now I wanted to get these for the kids but I wanted them to see it did not come free. So I had them each take a picture of their Leapster stuff and put it on Ebay so that they could buy the new ones. Well they were angry that I would be selling their toys. Then I had to explain that because I sold it does not mean that their new one would be here the next day.
So we get the new ones and just in time when you buy one unit you get FREE headphones, 3 FREE $15 leaplets which allows the kids to put books or flash cards on their Leapster Explorer, and anything over $40 got free shipping. WOOHOO SCORE!
What a good shopper momma is! Only downside is I had to make 2 orders to get this but big deal I got for $100 (this was including tax)two brand new leapsters, 2 nice in quality headphones, free shipping, and 6 total free books or flash cards it was Christmas in July!
This is a perfect Christmas gift, and if anyone cares I totally recommend it because instead of my kids watching TV in the car they play games where they learn. Robbie's spelling has improved as one of the games I am able to put his spelling words into it so it repeats over and over his own spelling words. Their new item which of course they will be getting for Christmas is the camera that is an attachment you can put on and take pictures, create music videos with the pictures and "doodle" on the pictures.
How cute is all that!
When the kids get their cameras for Christmas I will post about it!